
A website about ATD's Data & Technology Services team

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A website about ATD's Data & Technology Services team.

architecture diagram

Get it running

Local development requires git and npm.

Clone this repo

$ git clone git@github.com:cityofaustin/atd-product.git

Install packages

$ npm install

Start server

$ npm run dev

Icon attributions

Migration to Next.js

Table of Contents
  1. About Next.js
  2. Project Status
  3. Changes
  4. What's Next

About Next.js

Next.js is a JavaScript framework created by Zeit. It lets you build server-side rendering and static web applications using React. It’s a great tool to build your next website. It has many great features and advantages, which can make Nextjs your first option for building your next web application.

Project Status

This Next.js version contains all the functionalities of it's create react app counterpart. With that being said, there are still some work to do to optimize and refactor code (See What's Next section below).

Project File Structure

This app contains both create react app and next.js file structures. The app, however, is configured to run next.js and this can be seen in the scripts property of the package.json. I decided to intentionally leave the create react app architecture so components and file structure can be compared while making the migration. The create react app file structure can be found in the /craSrc folder.

Some differences between the 2 file structures

  • The component views in original /src/views are located in the /pages folder (I tried to copy the name structure, but Next.js uses the folder name as the route. So I translated the name nView.jsx -> n.js where n is the component name)
  • The landing page is located in /pages/index.js file.
  • The contexts and head tags (this was the head html in the index.html file) are located in the file /pages/_app.js file. This file is analagous to the App.js file rom create react app except there are no routes. It also contains an import for the custom.scss file (If you want to import global css, you need to import the file here).
  • Folder names are routes and folders that have the name [n] are routes for params. EX: /products/[issue_number] -> /products/307
  • The styles folder contains the custom.scss file.
  • The components associated with the views (or pages in this case), wrappers, and shared components are located in /components.
  • Context files are located in /contexts.

Code Changes

What's Next