Form-to-email microservice


This application recieves a JSON POST from the form dispatcher and delivers an email to the addresses provided in the deliver_to parameter. The initial version of this implementation assumes that the value will be provided in the original submission from the browser.

AWS Simple Email Service

The application uses Amazon's Simple Email Service to handle message delivery. The SES services are procured under the CTM AWS account.

Sender white-listing

Any from address must be white-listed by AWS. Attempting to send from a non-white-listed email address will result in a delivery error and failure message.

Required parameters

The applicatin expects these paramters to be included in the POST from the dispatch service.

  • deliver_to specifies the email address to send the submission to.
  • email_subject specifies the subject line for the email that gets sent.


The application is deployed on Heroku as a Personal application.