
A python client for interacting with PostgREST APIs. http://postgrest.com

Primary LanguagePython


A Python client for interacting with PostgREST APIs.


$ pip install pypgrest

Quick start

>>> from pypgrest import Postgrest

>>> client = Postgrest("https://api.tacos.com", token="secretsalsa")

# See postgrest docs for supported query params
>>> params = {
        "select" : "name,tortilla,cost",
        "tortilla" : "is.corn",
        "limit" : 100,
        "order": "name"

# Supported methods are select, insert, update, upsert, and delete
>>> client.select(resource="menu", params=params, pagination=True, headers=None)
# [{ "name" : "al pastor", "tortilla" : "corn", "cost" : "2.01" }, ... ]

>>> payload = [{ "id" : 23, "cost" : "2.25" }, { "id" : 26, "cost" : "1.25" }]

>>> pgrest.upsert(payload)
# [{ "id" : 23, "cost" : "2.25", "name" : "al pastor", ... }, ... ]

# You can inspect the response object at `self.res`:
>>> client.res.status_code
# 201


The client is initialized with Content-Type=application/json and (if you supply a token) Authorization headers. You can supply additional headers on construction, or per request.

>>> client = Postgrest(
    headers={"Prefer": "return=representation"}

>>> client.headers
# {"Content-Type": 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer secretsalsa', 'Prefer': 'return=representation'}

>>> client.insert(
    data={"id": 5, "name": "barbacoa"},
    headers={"Prefer": "return=headers-only"}

Limits and pagination

By default, the client will paginate requests until all records have been retrieved. You can supply a limit param to limit the number of results returned by select.

You can disable pagination with pagination=False, in which case the record limit will be capped by your API's max-rows setting.


We use Github Actions to publish to PyPI. The workflows are defined in .github/workflows.

Any commit/merge to the dev branch will trigger a PyPI publication to the knackpy-dev package. Any release on the master branch will trigger publication to the knackpy package on PyPI. Note that PyPI publications will fail if don’t bump the version number in setup.py.


As a work of the City of Austin, this project is in the public domain within the United States.

Additionally, we waive copyright and related rights of the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public domain dedication.