
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Story Backend

This backend can save stories that were created by the Story Creation Tool and provides endpoints to retrieve these stories.

The API is structured as the following:



/story                    get list of all stories
/story/1                  get metadata-json of story 1
/step/1/2/3/html          get html  of step 2.3 of story 1
/step/1/2/3/image         get image of step 2.3 of story 1


/add/story/               add new story
/add/step/1/2/3/          add step 2.3 to story 1
/add/step/1/2/3/html      add html to step 2.3 of story 1
/add/step/1/2/3/image     add image to step 2.3 of story 1 


/delete/story/1           delete story 1
/delete/step/1            delete all steps to story 1
/delete/step/1/2          delete all steps belonging to major step 2 of story 1
/delete/step/1/2/3        delete step 2.3 of story 1


GET /story

Returns an overview over all stories 

GET /story/:storyId

Returns the story.json file of a story with the respective id

GET /step/

Returns all step's data as json (not including images)

GET /step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor/html

Returns html of a specific step of a specific story

GET /step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor/image

Returns image of a specific step of a specific story


POST /add/story/

Creates a new story entry. (metadata only)

expects in body
	- name (string): the name of the story
	- category (string): the story category
	- story_json (string): the story structure as  json (originally the "story json file")

example curl:
`curl -XPOST -d '{"name": "My New Story", "category" : "test", "story_json" : "{\"relevant json\" : \"as a string\"}"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' localhost:3000/add/story`

POST /add/step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor

Creates a story "step" for the story specified in `:storyID` (as created by /add/story). The `:step_major` and `:step_major` parameters are the equivalent of the `1-2.html` notation we originally have in the file names.

expects in body
    - html content of the step (as character string)

example  curl:

`curl -XPOST -d '{"html": "<blink>does this html tag still work?</blink>"}' -H 'content-type: application/json' localhost:3000/add/step/1/2/3`

POST /add/step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor/html

post a steps html content. The matching story and step must have been created first!

example curl:
curl -X POST localhost:3000/add/step/1/1/1/html -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"html":"some <b>story</b> content!"}'

POST /add/step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor/image

post an image. The matching story and step must have been created first!

example curl:
curl -F "image=@./testimage.png" localhost:3000/add/step/1/1/1/image


DELETE /story/:storyId

delete a story and all its steps. Note: Stories can only be deleted if ALL steps belonging to that story have been deleted first (see /delete/step/)!
example curl:

curl -X "DELETE" localhost:3000/delete/story/1

DELETE /step/:storyId

delete all steps belonging to a story
example curl (delete all steps of story 1):

curl -X "DELETE" localhost:3000/delete/step/1

DELETE /step/:storyId/:step_major

delete all steps with the same major step belonging to a story
example curl (delete step 2.x of story 1):

curl -X "DELETE" localhost:3000/delete/step/1/1

DELETE /step/:storyId/:step_major/:step_minor

delete a minor step in a story
example curl (delete step 2.3 of story 1):

curl -X "DELETE" localhost:3000/delete/step/1/2/3

Database setup

(following this tutorial)

install postgres

  1. install postgresql with homebrew (on Linux / OsX): brew install postgresql brew services start postgresql (you can stop services with brew services stop postgresql)

create database

  1. create a new user and database in psql console
psql postgres
  1. then run database init file in /db/setup/

psql -U me -d stories -a -f ./db/setup/db_setup.sql