
Mobilities of care

City Science Lab - Connected Urban Twin


(You can acccess the video in 4k here)

Care workers have specific demands on urban (transport) infrastructure due to fragmented mobility patterns, which are not sufficiently addressed by current urban development and are underrepresented in planning and participation processes. The tools in this repository are two add-ons for the Masterportal (documentation) that provide functionality necessary for the co-creative workshops held by the CityScienceLab in order to test new technology in the processes. The tools in this repository are two add-ons for the Connected Urban Twin (CUT) and gather mobility data of unpaid care workers.

The first add-on is a storytelling tool that enables one to both create and play data stories. These stories can be created by an interface integrated in the add-on or created manually in a JSON format. Besides engaging data visualization, digital storytelling is a key method to support the individual, group or sociocultural understanding of information and promote participation in the respective topic. They consist of different chapters that each display certain segments of the map with zero or more data layers. In each chapter, the data layers and the map can be contextualized with text and images.

A detailed description about how to manually configure a web GIS data-story can be found here.


The second add-on is a data collection tool that enables users to input their routine mobility pattern for any given regular day. It first collects sociodemographic data from the user before the user can start entering their mobility patterns. After any daily routines are finished, there is the possibility to annotate points, lines or areas of interest, e.g. The gathered data is supposed to enable planners to learn more about certain spaces that are important for the mobility demands of unpaid care workers.

This documentation describes how to configure and activate the mobility data tool.


In order to set up both tools, there are two main ways:

  1. For a fully working local version with a backend and the respective APIs to store the mobility data, you can use the Docker setup
  2. To experiment and continue developing the addons without a pre-defined backend and APIS, you can use the Masterportal setup


This part of the repository is for quickly setting up a local version of a Masterportal instance including both the storytelling tool and the data collection tool. Additionally, a Postgres backend is set up with both an internal and an external API to collect data with the Data collection tool and export it.

Docker Deployment

Deploy the frontend and backend applications including database to Docker.

docker-compose up

Default path for frontend in docker deployment: http://localhost/mobility-data/index.html

API is deployed in two variants, external and internal.

External API: http://localhost:8080

Internal API: http://localhost:8081

External API can be exposed to frontend for data collection. Internal API provides endpoints for data analysis, e.g. GET http://localhost:8081/person.

For an overview of all endpoints see mobility-backend/README.md.

Masterportal setup

You can also start the application with npm if you plan on connecting a database, creating a new story or adjusting the code to your needs.


Install Node.js. Last known working version is v10.18.0 LTS with NPM version 6.13.4.

Masterportal installation

Execute the git bash as admin and navigate to the folder the repository is to be cloned to.

Clone the repository and navigate to the folder created:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/geowerkstatt-hamburg/masterportal.git

Install the node_modules required for the addons:

Step 1:

cd masterportal\addons\mobilityDataDraw
npm install

Step 2:

cd masterportal\addons\storyTellingTool
npm install

Install the node_modules required for the Masterportal:

cd masterportal
npm install

With this, all dependencies are installed.

In case you need further information about how add-ons configured and developed, please refer to the add-ons documentation for further assistance.

This command will start a local development server.

npm start

⚠️ Please note that the demo application described above does not include a database. The data you entered will therefore not be stored. Starting the tool with Docker will initialize the tool with a working database.

The sql file contains all necessary statements for a custom database setup. In case of an existing/custom database connection the config.json needs to be adjusted:

Set API_BASE_URL to your database URL and change the TEST_ENV variable to false.

An example story can be found in the folder:


The stories are referenced in the storyConf variable in the config.js.

Following is the official documentation of the Masterportal

Official website of the Masterportal

The Masterportal is a tool-kit to create geo web applications based on OpenLayers, Vue.js and Backbone.js. The Masterportal is Open Source Software published under the MIT License.

The Masterportal is a project by Geowerkstatt Hamburg.

Developer section