Tu ciudad tus datos




Tu ciudad tus datos is a project that was born as a result of the award from the homologous call made by Transparencia Mexicana and Open contracting partnership, among other organizations. The objective of the project is the implementation of the API's of Contrataciones Abiertas de la Ciudad de Mexico for a visualization of the information that allows the user to know the status of the projects in a friendly and simple way.

Since the delivery time was short, this development comprises the MVP only. The MVP encompasses the visualization of the Kanban board with contract cards, a level of detail per contract and its search by keywords. The dynamic integration of the APIs into the solution will allow you to view contracts in the stages corresponding to the Open Contracting Standard.

How to start

Clone the repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:civica-digital/tu-ciudad-tus-datos.git

Development with Docker

To init the project:

$ make dev


Installing and updating gems:

$ bundle install

Creating migrations

$ rake db:setup

Starting server:

$ rails s

Release dates

First delivery: September 12

Final delivery: September 26


We keep the project conversation on our issues page (https://github.com/civica-digital/tu-ciudad-tus-datos/issues). If you have any other questions, you can contact us by mail to equipo@civica.digital.


NOTE: How to Install Ruby on Rails.


License: Apache License, Version 2.0 Read the documentation for more information.

Created by Cívica Digital, 2017-2018.