Clone the repo
git clone `https://github.com/civilcoder55/incantogamus.git`
Change directory
cd incantogamus
update the env file with proper Leave it if you want, default values should work
cp .env.example .env
ensure run.sh is executable
chmod +x run.sh
Build images and run containers
docker-compose up -d
Create and Sync database (already run with container up)
docker exec -it incantogamus-node npm run db:sync
Access API at
Access docker logs
docker logs -f incantogamus-node
To run test
docker exec -it incantogamus-node npm run test
Clone the repo
git clone `https://github.com/civilcoder55/incantogamus.git`
Change directory
cd incantogamus
build the image
eval $(minikube docker-env) # to use local docker image in minikube docker-compose build
update the k8s/secrets.yaml file with proper values
ensure run.sh is executable
chmod +x run.sh
Create k8s resources
kubectl apply -f k8s
get the minikube node ip
minikube ip
Add the ip to your hosts file
echo "$(minikube ip) incantogamus.com" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Access API at
Clone the repo
git clone `https://github.com/civilcoder55/incantogamus.git`
Change directory
cd incantogamus
build the image
eval $(minikube docker-env) # to use local docker image in minikube docker-compose build
update the chart/secrets.yaml and chart/myvalues.yml
ensure run.sh is executable
chmod +x run.sh
Apply only the secrets
kubectl apply -f chart/secrets.yml
get the minikube node ip
minikube ip
Add the ip to your hosts file
echo "$(minikube ip) incantogamus.com" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
add the helm repo
helm repo add my-charts https://civilcoder55.github.io/learning-helm-charts
install the chart
helm install incantogamus my-charts/express-mysql-redis
Test API at