
Page generator for notebooks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Generates pages given a page module and module options for specific page size.


Generate PDF for a page:

papergen /path/to/page.js -o page.pdf --additionalPageOptions

Generate PDF for a booklet:

papergen /path/to/booklet.js -o book.pdf

Writing a custom Page Module

A page module should contain a page.js which should export an object describing the page's name, description, inputs and render method.


The name of your page module. This is displayed in the help section.


A long description of your page module. This is displayed in the help section.


Inputs should be a list of objects with the following properties:

  • key: Identifier for this input option. Must only contain letters, _, or -.
  • type: One of [number, string, boolean, seed]. The seed type can be used to receive a random number.
  • name: Optional, human readable name.
  • description: Optional, long form description.
  • initial: Optional, initial value

For number types, these additional properties can be used:

  • min: minimum number
  • max: maximum number
  • step: step value
  • unit: string describing the unit

By default, papergen will support the following options which cannot be overwritten:

  • pageSize: Size of the page
  • landscape: Whether the page will be rendered in landscape
  • portrait: Similar to landscape, but for portrait. Only one of landscape or portrait will be used.
  • ppi: Pixels per inch


The render method receives 2 parameters: el and options. Options are the values of the inputs. The el is an HTML element that you'll insert other elements into to draw the page.


// page.js

import Page from papergen;

module.exports = Page({
  name: 'Grid',
  filename: __filename,
  description: 'Produces a grid filled page.',
  inputs: [
      key: 'grid_size',
      name: 'Grid Size',
      description: 'The size of each square in the grid.',
      type: 'number',
      initial: 5,
      min: 1,
      max: 10,
      unit: 'mm',
  render: (receivePage, { size, margin, color, grid_size }) => {
    var pageSVG = receivePage();

    // Render method.

To validate your page module, you can run the page.js file:

node /path/to/page.js

If everything's good, nothing will be printed, otherwise, we print the errors.


  • Imposition configuration
  • Reader spreads vs Printer spreads
  • page numbers, page number positions