#Welcome to the jsGameWiki! This is the brain for game programming with html5/canvas/javascript.
I'm trying to structure helpful sources like eBooks, videos, blogs, articles, presentations...
Part I - Here is the stuff which is really relevant to game programming with html5/canvas/javascript
Part II - Here is the stuff which is related to webdevelopment and can be useful if you want to improve your basic skills
First start point for good javascript resources is bebraw with his sensational jswiki.
Actually I see jsGameWiki as an addition to jsWiki for game programming topics.
A second project I'm running is webdevresources. Here i'm collecting links for web development in general.
In case you want to contribute, let's do it! Here is a place for people who whants to learn something about game programming and I'm very happy if you have some interesting sources.
- Game Tutorials - Tutorial or tutorial series about game programming with javascript
- Game Blogs - Blogs about game programming with javascript, tutorials, news...
- Game Talks - Talks / Presentation about game programming
- Game Design - The art of game design
- Game Services - Services which supports game programmers
- Javascript Games - for inspiration
- Graphics + Sound
##Part II - Game Related
- Learning / Tutorials (HTML5 / CSS / Javascript / Gaming
- HTML5 API / Standards / Specifications
- Javascript
- Other
##Game Tutorials ###Javascript - Canvas
- Space Shooter
- Developing a Spaceshooter by Mozilla - source + summary of development for a space shooter
- Breakout Clone
- Simple Snake Game
- HTML 5 Game Development - video tutorial serie from Jono X - actually running
- The most simple RPG - Step by step tutorial by Lost Decade Games
- Brickblock Game
- Snake Game - Step by step tutorial by Ralph Saunders
- Doodle Jump Clone
- jsPlattformer | js platform game tutorial
- js RPG Game Tutorial - made with craftyJs game framework
- Super Mario Bros
- Tiny Platformer
- Tile Based Game - Accelerated Game Programming with HTML5 and canvas
- HTML5 Jump'n Run - no tutorial, but excellent code for study
- Jumper Game with box2d Engine
- Boulderdash
- HTML5 Game Platformer
- Multiplayergame with Websockets
- How to Build a JRPG
###actionscript because actionscript is very similar to javascript. you can definitely take away some concepts.
##Game Blogs ###Blogs about gaming
- Blog of Rob Hawkes - experiments, talks, book, posts
- Blog of glacialflame - articles about isometric games
- Blog of That Guy - nice article serie about tile game engine
- Blog of michalbe - nice tutorials and posts about game engineering
- Old Blog of Marc Wilcox - New Blog of Marc Wilcox - Great HTML5 Game design posts
- Blog of nokarma - 2 very good posts - does he write a following article?
- Blog about indiegames - Videos about indiegames
- Blog of lostdecadegames - Some interesting posts about game design from the company lostdecadegames
- Blog of Emanuele Feronato - very much posts about flash and game design, but hey, you can learn so much from flash
- Blog of Jake Gordon - very good and detailled posts about some well known games implemented with javascript
- Blog of Bocoup - articles about specific parts for game development
###Blogs about experiments / demos
- Blog of mr doob - very exciting experiments
- Blog of nihilogic - articles and experiments
- Blog of Ben Joffe - experiments
###Forums/News for General Game Development (no javascript)
##Game Talks ###Video / Audio
- Lunch with Rob Hawkes: HTML5 Games - by Rob Hawkes - Overview and lessons learned for html5 game programming
- Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web
- Multiplayer Gaming with HTML5: Are We Ready?
- Developing Games for the Web
- Angry Birds on HTML5 - Challenges to port Angry Birds to Chrome/HTML5
- Lostcast - Nice talks about game programming with Javascript. They also provide some very good links.
###Presentations / Slides
- 5 tips for your html5 games
- 10 tips to get started with html5 games
- HTML5 as a Game Console - by Michał Budzyński
- HTML5 Game Development with Javascript - by Rob Hawkes
- Gameprogrammingpatterns
- http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6362/redesigning_wild_ones_into_.php - Article about changing a game by 10 design decisions
- Making html5 Games Match your Screen
- Scoreoid - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, in game analytics, ...
- Tapjs - service for scoring lists, leaderboards, ...
- flexpi - services for gaming - stats, ingame payment, social media
- Easywebsockets - a WebSocket client to broadcast messages to webpages
- Clay.io - service for leaderboards, achievements, data storage, analytics, payment processing, ...
##Javascript Games ###Here you can learn so much
- js1k contest
- js10k contest
- Javascriptgaming
- html5gamejam (2010)
- demoJs
- banditracer - micro machines like game written with gamejs framework
- runjumpbuild game / source - online jump'n run editor, share levels with others
- html5-games - great HTML5 games most time with an article and/or sourcecode
- gameisart 2012 - some html5 games made in 1 week
- wizard of wor | wizard of wor source
- boulder dash | src objects | src game | src kit | src sound | src anim/keyboard
- pacman
- breakout with game engines - the same breakout game implemented with different game engines as example
- bombermine - massive multiplayer bomberman - check the uncompressed source via browser
###Here are some rememberable projects - but mostly with compressed code
- canvasrider - it's fun
- freeciv - Online Civilisation clone
- Legend of Zelda - Game Boy emulation
- Treasure Arena - Zelda like Battle Arena
- Command & Conquer Game / Command & Conquer Source - Command & Conquer clone
- Top 20 HTML5 Games
- Gaming Mozillalabs
###HTML5 Games
##Graphics and Sound ###Graphic
- Opengameart - Free, legal art for open source game projects
- Free sprites
- Game sprites
- Sprite database - ripped, not sure if free
- Sprite database
- iconfinder - sprites with different licenses
- Tiled Map Editor - free open source tiled map editor
- Arcade Font Engine - online font creator
- Fonts - fonts
- Spritelib - Free Spritepack licensed under CPL
- gfxlib - free developer graphic library licensed under CPL
- 8bitalpha - Online Service which resizes your png's from 24 to 8 bits -> for performance improvement
- wpclipart - Free images with online cropping service
- Sprite - Animation tool - not tried, but looks awesome
- html5media - easy embedding of video and audio
- media.io - online audio converter
- nosoapradio.us - Game music - free
- Playonloop - Game music - free or with costs
- freesound - Sounds - free
- Absolute sound effects archive - Soundeffects - free
- modarchive - a lot of sounds
- soundbible - a lot of free sound effects
##Learning / Tutorials (HTML5 / CSS / Javascript / Gaming ###Landingpages
- Learn HTML5 by Mozilla - Great Landingpage
- Learn CSS by Mozilla - Great Landingpage
- Learn Javscript by Mozilla - Great Landingpage
- HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5 Rocks
- HTML5 Tutorials by Game Development - Game Development News and Tutorials
- HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Tutorial - Tutorials
- HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Tutorial - Tutorials
- HTML5 Tutorials by HTML5Center
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by Mozilla
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by HTML5CanvasTutorials
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorial by Malcolm Sheridan - very good introduction to HTML5 Canvas
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorials by ThxtOs - Video tutorial - 8000 bullets animation - german
- HTML5 Canvas Tutorials List - List of canvas tutorials and resources
- HTML5 Game Dev Tips - 3 part series of tips and tricks
- HTML5 News by Gamedev - Gamedeveloper News
- CSS3 Tutorials by ThxtOs - Video tutorials - german
- CSS3 Learning with Fluid Layout Code
- CSS3 Deck - lot of examples for CSS3
- Javascript Tutorials by Opera
- Javascript Learning in 31 Days - Canvas and Javascript Tutorials in 31 Days - search for Javascript Day X
- Javascript Learning by koans - learning by finding errors
- Javascript Learning by LearnJs - short useful code snippets
- Javascript Learning by Javascript-Garden - best practises for javascript programming
- Javascript Learning by The Code Player - Learn HTML5,CSS3,JS Coding the new way, the Walkthroughs way!
- Javascript Learning by Code Avengers - Learn Javascript interactively in 40 lessons
##Standards / Specifications / API ###API
- HTML5 Doctor - API
- HTML5 Canvas - API - german
- HTML5 specification - Standard - a readable HTML5 specification for web developers
- Javascript Reference by Mozilla
- Front end development guidelines - best practises for front end development
- idiomatic.js - Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
- Whats new in a specification? - Overview of Changes in HTML5, ES5, ES6, DOM4, ...
###Compatibility /Feature Detection
- HTML5 Readyness
- HTML5 Please
- Caniuse - Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.
- HTML5 Mobile - Overview of mobile HTML compatibility and Specifications
##HTML5 Performance ###Articles
- CSS tricks for canvas games
- Off-Screen Rendering (Render to Texture) with HTML5's Canvas Element
- Improving HTML5 Canvas Performance
- requestAnimationFrame for Smart Animating
- Chrome Experiments
- HTML5 Canvas Demos by Kevin Roast
- Mozilla Demo Studio
- Physics for Lazy Game Developers
- Canvas Demos
- HTML5 CSS3 Snippets - Examples for HTML5, CSS3 effects
##Javascript Libraries ###Library Lists
- modernizr - testing on active html5 + css features in browsers
- stats.js - nice little tool to show fps stats
- sprite.js - tool for sprite animation + nice demos
- augment.js - enrich browsers with modern javascript methods (ECMA 1.8.5)
- weinre - Remotedebugging Console: debug your iPhone, iPad, Wii etc. remotely from your PC
- Socket.IO - supports websockets and aims to make realtime apps possible in every browser and mobile device
- nowjs - makes realtime web apps really easy
- Closure compiler - Compiles javascript to javascript
- Pxxl.js - HTML5 Canvas utility to render texts in retro style and more.
- JavaScript Function Call Profiling - Article, John Resig
- JSConf Talk: Games, Performance, TestSwarm - Video, John Resig
- jsPerf - Javascript performance tests
- Profiling Built-In JavaScript Functions with Firebug - Article, Andy West
- Nicholas C. Zakas: Speed Up Your JavaScript - Video, Nicholas C. Zakas
- Dev.Opera Efficient JavaScript - Article
- Javascript Perfomance Best Practises - Article
- Extreme Javascript Performance - Presentation, Thomas Fuchs
- Extreme Javascript Performance - Video, Thomas Fuchs
- Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast - Article, Thomas Fuchs
- Optimizing JavaScript for extreme performance and low memory consumption - Article, Jani Hartikainen
- The 'Opera-2dgame' Canvas Context - Article, Arve Bersvendsen
- Unleas the power of HMTL5 canvas
- jsbooks - list of free eBooks for javascript
- Eloquentjavascript - free eBook by Marijn Haverbeke
- DIVE INTO HTML5 - free eBook by Mark Pilgrim
- Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners - free eBook by Addy Osmani
- Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - free eBook by Jonathan Stark
- Javascript Bibliography - free eBook by editors of Safary books online
- OOP mit Javascript - free eBook by Peter Kropff- german
- HTML5 Handbuch - free eBook by Stefan Münz - german