This repository will help you to read NFC chip data. It will extract all data from NFC chip. It's very easy to integrate and understand. Try it and let us know your feedback to us.
- abc-test827
- aniket-oceanbit
- AriestaAgung
- ayatmaulanaCirebon, Indonesia
- Brandnew-oneKonkuk University
- ChungusBeliever
- cizodevahmCizotech Software Pvt Ltd
- dev06-oceanbit
- dilip-oceanbit
- efremropelato
- greeziGuangZhou,China
- hitesh-pansuriya
- Hitesh0321
- JadeGeek
- jay-oceanbit
- JongHoooonSeoul
- mcagridemir
- mobdev02-oceantechs
- narciszaitStudent
- omidgolparvar@BluBank
- qa01-oceantechs
- roman-podymov-deltatreDeltatre
- RomanPodymov@MassiveInteractive
- srnunioLuanda/Angola
- test-ocean
- vansh-chauhan31
- vishal-oceanbit