
The official repository for the UH Manoa Transpiler Project's Scheme interpreter, Shaka Scheme.

Primary LanguageC++

Shaka Scheme

This is the repository for the Transpiler Project's Scheme interpreter, Shaka Scheme.

Native Technologies

The primary build environment is the msys2 emulated POSIX-compatible shell on the Windows 10 platform. The project software should thus be buildable in any POSIX-compatible that provides the following pre-requisite technologies/programs:

Building - Pre-requisite Programs/Technology

You will need the following technologies/programs:

  • C++11 compiler - g++ (or similar; preferably the GNU C++ Compiler)

  • GNU Make make - (or similar)

  • Doxygen doxygen - (no alternative)

  • POSIX-compatible environment shell (preferably, bash or zsh)

    • On Windows, a suitable substitute is the msys2 project, which also includes a package manager to download common packages.
    • On Mac OS X, common packages can be acquired through Homebrew brew.
    • On Linux, defer to your distribution package manager (e.g. yum, pacman, apt-get, etc.).
  • Boost.Variant <boost/variant.hpp> (from the Boost C++ Libraries)

  • Google Test (with the root project directory embedded in the dep/ dependencies directory, and built before starting to build Shaka Scheme).

Building the REPL

If you are in a POSIX-compatible environment, use make to run:


It should create the REPL executable in the bin/ directory.

Running the REPL

There is an included make command to run the REPL automatically for quicker testing. Run:

make run

The program should start and stop in the root directory, even if interrupted or sent the termination signal.

Generating the Doxygen Documentation

Doxygen is a source code documentation generation program that is compatible with C++. It is being adopted for this project to provide a framework for creating structured in-code documentation.

Go into the doc/ directory, and then use the doxygen_config_file to run the following command:

doxygen ../doxygen_config_file

The Doxygen documentation generation settings are already set to the currently preferred settings.

The documentation generation settings are currently setup to generate HTML and LaTeX files. They will be generated in the doc/html/ and doc/latex/ directories.