
A sample UDID-protected cydia repo

Primary LanguagePHP

UDID Protected Cydia Repository


  1. Clone this repository inside your APT repository's root directory.
  2. Edit your information inside config.php.
  3. Change your_repo_folder inside .htaccess into your APT repository's root directory.

Packages, Release and its compressed forms (gzip, bzip2, lzma, lz, xz) will be blocked if the UDID which tries add the repository does not match a database/list entry.

Config.php Reference

  • UDID_METHOD: One of UDIDCheckMethod::UseList and UDIDCheckMethod::UseDatabase.

    • UseList: Checks config.php-defined UDID_LIST – a serialized array – for accepted UDIDs.
    • UseDatabase: Checks a database specified in UDID_DB_* for accepted UDIDs.
  • UDID_LIST: Serialized PHP array of strings which represent accepted UDIDs.

  • UDID_DB_HOST: Hostname for database.

  • UDID_DB_DBNAME: Database name for database.

  • UDID_DB_USER: User name for database.

  • UDID_DB_PASSWORD: Password for database.

  • UDID_DB_UDIDTABLE: Table name for UDIDs.

  • UDID_DB_UDIDCOLUMN: Column name for UDIDs.

Return Codes

  • In the case of UDID_LIST or UDID_DB_* misdefinition, a 500 Internal Server Error header will be returned.

  • In case of failure obtaining Release/Packages files, a 404 Not Found header will be returned.

  • In case of failure on UDID authentication, a 403 Forbidden header will be returned.

  • In case of no UDID sent in the request header, 403 Bad Request is returned.

  • On success, 200 OK is returned.


  • @moeseth - original code
  • @icj_ - updates including database support
  • theiostream - most likely something

Special thanks to http://serverfault.com/questions/166535/creating-a-password-protected-cydia-repository