
Here we have a contrived example of an application that deals with a list of files and their renames over time, represented as versions.

A version is an object with two properties, an id and a name:

  • id: is an always growing positive integer starting at zero, so the first version has id equals to 0, the second one has id equals to 1, etc.
  • name: a non-empty string representing the filename.

We created this example using as few styles/components/scripts as we could, to allow a quick understanding of the codebase.

We need you to

  1. Reimplement addVersion (see src/api.js) in order to insert each new version on the beginning of the stack (currently, each new version is pushed at the end of the stack).
  2. Using React APIs, keep the file list up to date by refreshing it only when the list is changed.
  3. Sort the file list when the user clicks "Sort A-Z/Z-A" button.
    • The list should be sorted A-Z during the first render.
    • The button label should be "Sort Z-A" when the list is sorted "A-Z" and "Sort A-Z" otherwise.
  4. Check the implementation of File component (see src/Files/index.js) and add any improvement that you consider (there's no need to improve the styles).
  5. Implement a feature to add files to the list. A new file object should be created from a filename (a non-empty string) provided by the user.
    • Implement addFile API (see src/api.js).
    • Add a button below the file list to create a new file. The UI should only require the filename to the user (you can use the simplest approach to ask the filename).
    • The file list should be refreshed once the file gets created.

When possible, add tests to your solution.


You need node (version 10 or 12), and yarn (latest).

# install dependencies
yarn install

# start app in dev mode
yarn start

# run tests
yarn test


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.