Course Review System

CS554 Web Programming Group Course Project - Group 3

Program Structure

Client folder

  1. React app

Server folder

  1. Server Side JavaScript
  2. GraphQL
  3. MongoDB operations
  4. Redis

Set up

  1. Open terminal/cmdprompt
  2. Go to the folder where you want to get the project
  3. Clone repository
  4. Enter command 'npm install' in both client and server folder
  5. Copy client's .env file into the client/ folder and server's .env file to the server/ folder.
  6. Set up both MongoDB and Redis Servers
  7. Go to server/data folder and enter command 'node seed.js' Initialize courses collection
  8. Go to server folder using command 'npm start'
  • GraphQL port 7050
  • runs on port 4001
  • Redis port 6379
  1. Go to client folder using command 'npm start'
  2. Redirect to React app working 'http://localhost:3000'
  3. Enjoy!


The chat page have list the users who are online. When a new user login, it will take few minutes(less than 3min) that the others see the new user on their page. To have two different users logged in, it is required that two separate browsers are used for some features to work

Technologies used

Front End

  1. Javascript
  2. React
  3. Apollo
  4. Bootstrap
  5. Axios

Back End

  1. NodeJS
  2. GraphQL
  3. Express
  4. MongoDB
  5. Firebase Authentication
  6. Redis

Independent Technologies

  2. AWS S3

AWS S3 was used instead of ImageMagick because none of the team members have a Mac and could not run it.

Special Thanks to

  • W3 Schools
  • Stack Overflow
  • Prof. Patrick Hill


Catherine Javadian, Rozy Gupta, Vidya Maiya, Xiaojie Gao, Xinzhe Li

Team Member Contribution

Catherine Javadian:

  1. Implemented Chat room page ( - front end and back end, design)
  2. Bootstrap4 with react on the home page, course, and course details page
  3. Implemented edit profile page (Apollo Client and GraphQL)
  4. Accessibility testing with tota11y and testing for bugs
  5. Improving the design throughout all pages
  6. Add to seed.js to populate database
  7. Presentation

Rozy Gupta & Vidya Maiya: We worked together almost the entire time. So our contribution is combined.

  1. Developed the entire frontend in React from scratch.
  2. Configured all the routes and assembeled them to have a smooth navigation.
  3. Worked on Bootstrap4 with react.
  4. Implemented Firebase Authentication.
  5. Implemented AWS S3 file upload.
  6. Implemented Image upload for user profile picture.
  7. Worked on improving the css for few portions.
  8. Added initial graphql queries for edit and delete comment.
  9. Implemented Course Search for allowing the users to search a particular course.
  10. Fixed the issues whenever they originated with respect to our part.

Xiaojie Gao:

  1. Backend GraphQL API, Three MongoDB API and adjust database collections fields.
  2. Frontend Apollo API, Course Search, Course Detail Display, Edit Comment, Adjust Course comment and add comment features and display.
  3. Few pages display issues such as non-used Links or unnecessary Footer etc.
  4. Add seed.js initializing courses collection.
  5. Implement display online user list on Chat Room, including both backend and frontend.
  6. Change course comment feature that user only can see the Edit/Delete button on his own comments.
  7. Implement the course rating ranking feature for courses recommendation.

Xinzhe Li:

  1. Backend Express-Graphql server set up
  2. Backend MongoDB server set up
  3. Implemented MongoDB operations for user, course, review collections
  4. Database testing
  5. Backend GraphQL API for User Sign Up in backend server
  6. Frontend apollo for User Sign Up, User Login Checking, User Information Display, Course Reviews Display, Course Review Add Like, Course Review Add Dislike, Add Comment features
  7. Fixed some page warning issuses