
A small Rust program that runs swaylock and sets the image to a blurred screenshot of the desktop

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A small Rust program that runs swaylock and sets the image to a blurred screenshot of the desktop.

Note: Only works on Sway.


The blur intensity can be set with the --blur-sigma=uint flag.

Swaylock flags can be passed through by adding -- followed by the flags.



  • grim
  • ffmpeg
  • swaylock
  • sway

Prebuilt binaries:

Note: (currently only a binary for Linux-x86_64 is available)

Run the following to download the correct binary for your system from the releases tab into $CARGO_HOME/bin, courtesy of japaric/trust:

bash <(curl -LSfs https://japaric.github.io/trust/install.sh) \
  -f --git cjbassi/swaylock-blur

From source:

cargo install --git https://github.com/cjbassi/swaylock-blur

Arch Linux

Available in the AUR using swaylock-blur-bin.