
process filtering doesn't work

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when I try searching processes, nothing happens

Environment Information

  • ytop 0.6.2
  • uname -a: Darwin SumanthRatnasAir 20.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.0.0: Fri Aug 14 00:25:13 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195. x86_64
  • Terminal emulator (e.g. iTerm or gnome terminal): n/a, Terminal.app
  • macOS Big Sur Beta


  1. ytop

  2. type / (UI doesn't change)

  3. type s (UI doesn't change)

  4. hit enter (UI doesn't change)

  5. type / (UI doesn't change)

  6. type sq (ytop quits because of q)

This is likely because process filtering isn't implemented in ytop yet.

Reference: #47

whoops ;) didn't see that in the README

closing as a duplicate

No problem! It can hard to keep track of all the issues. I'm also hoping process filtering gets added sometime soon!