
A team project at Epicodus to create a program to find a suitable punishment for the loser of a bet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

bet loser logo

Team project for Epicodus - 2019-0204

By Nuala Gray, Wade Chamberlain, Chris Breaux, and Tracy Reith


A web application for people to track the bets they make with each other, and hold each other accountable for paying off bets. Created for Epicodus Front End Development course.

Learning Objective

Working as a team, create a website or application, employ branching strategy on github to manage development branches.

Product Specs

Specification Input Output
User can create a bet
A bet consists of: 1) name and email of at least one bet participant, 2) the conditions of the bet, 3) the time frame by which the bet must be paid off, 4) the type of penalty for paying off the bet
A bet can be made with only one participant (can make a bet with self)
User can identify which participant lost the bet
Bet loser can provide proof of fulfilling the penalty

Development Specs

Specification Input Output
User can enter own name Chris "Chris"
User can enter own email chris@gmail.com "chris@gmail.com"
User can enter other participant name Ward "Ward"
User can enter other participant email ward@gmail.com "ward@gmail.com"
User can enter bet conditions Patriots win Super Bowl "Patriots win Super Bowl"
User can enter bet time limit Due 1 week after Super Bowl 2/10/2019
User can select penalty category Money, Charity, Prank Money
User can enter quantity for penalty 100 100
System will save bet data
System will display bet data in UI
User can identify loser of bet Select Winner: Chris Ward must pay Chris $100
System will mark bet as resolved when proof is received Bet loser indicates payment has been made Bet card moves to Completed section
New bet will be added at the top of list of current bets New bet created Bet is at top of list

Stretch Goals

  • System will increase degree of penalty when time limit has been exceeded without proof of fulfillment
  • Bet loser can provide proof of fulfilling bet penalty
  • System generates and sends emails to entered addresses, inviting people to participate in bet
  • Potential participants can accept invitations to participate in the bet
  • Sorting

Setup/Installation Requirements

Known Bugs

  • None known

Support and contact details


Technologies Used

HTML, CSS with Bootstrap, Javascript with jQuery



Copyright (c) 2019 Nuala Gray, Wade Chamberlain, Chris Breaux, and Tracy Reith