
Fifth Independent Project at Epicodus - A clone of https://www.fiveultimate.com/

Primary LanguageCSS

five-ultimate five-ultimate

Fifth Independent project for Epicodus - 2019

By Chris Breaux


This is a clone of https://www.fiveultimate.com/

Learning Objective

  • CSS rules are created and organized using "outside in" best practices.

  • Project exhibits understanding of box-model best practices.

  • Flexbox is used to efficiently present groupings of similar or related elements.

  • CSS grid effectively organizes UI.

  • Media queries are used to change rules based on screen size.

Product Specs

  • Content resizes dynamically for mobile views

Stretch Goals

  • Utilize CSS grid for alternative layout of store pages
  • Add carousel for images on index page

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Open Terminal
  • Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  • Paste the following into the Terminal:
  • git clone https://github.com/cjbreaux/four-ultimate.git
  • Press Enter to make a local clone.
  • Navigate to the new cloned directory.
  • Click on index.html to view the site locally.

For best results, please use a Chrome browser. Please note, this project relies upon a CDN to load some resources. You will need to be connected to the internet for the site to display properly.

Known Bugs

  • None known

Support and contact details


Technologies Used




Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Breaux