
Fourth independent project at Epicodus. Creating a website where users can order a pizza.

Primary LanguageHTML

A Pizza My Heart

Fourth Independent Project from Epicodus, February 1, 2019

By Chris Breaux


This website will mimic some of the functionality of an online order-form for a pizza parlor. Users will be able to select a size, crust and a variety of toppings. The site will allow for multiple pizzas to be ordered. A separate display field will be created for each pizza the user creates. The site will calculate the price of the pizzas depending which options the user selects. The full specification list can be found below.

You can view the page by following this link: https://cjbreaux.github.io/pizza-site/


  1. Program takes in user input from four fields displayed as modals.

  2. Program calculates cost of pizza

  3. Program displays information about the pizza

  4. Program displays a running total for the cost of all pizzas.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Open Terminal
  • Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  • Paste the following into the Terminal:
  • git clone https://github.com/cjbreaux/pizza-site.git
  • Press Enter to make a local clone.
  • Navigate to the new cloned directory.
  • Click on index.html to view the site locally.

For best results, please use a Chrome browser. Please note, this project relies upon a CDN to load some resources. You will need to be connected to the internet for the site to display properly.

Known Bugs

  • Size of the pizza display field changes depending on the amount of pizzas ordered.
  • Function to remove pizzas has not been implemented yet so the "Remove" button is only for show.
  • Toppings are not reset when ordering another pizza.

Support and contact details

If you have any questions or concerns about the content of this README or the website, please contact the author at:


You can find additional projects by the author at:


Technologies Used

This site utilizes JavaScript, jQuery v3.3.1, Bootstrap v4.2.1, and a custom CSS stylesheet.



Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Breaux