NodeJS Concepts Challenge


🚀 Introduction

In this challenge, you should develop a simple CRUD of a resource called repository. For simplicity, you can use an array as your data storage instead of a database.

A repository has the following data structure:

    "id": "String (following UUIDv4 standard)",
    "title": "String",
    "url": "String",
    "techs": "Array<String>",
    "likes": "Number"

Application Routes

  • POST /repositories: Receives title, url and techs in the request body. Remember to guarantee that the ID is an UUIDv4 valid String and that the likes counter is initialized with 0. It should contain in the response the resource created in JSON format.

  • GET /repositories: Returns the list of all resources currently stored.

  • PUT /repositories/:id: Updates the title, url and techs properties for the resource ID received in the route parameters.

  • DELETE /repositories/:id: Deletes the resource identified by the :id in the route parameters.

  • POST /repositories/:id/like: It should increase the number of likes of the resource identified by the route parameter :id. Every request to this route should increment the counter in 1 unit.