
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Wrap any task with a Fcrepo instance:

FcrepoWrapper.wrap do |fedora_repo|
  # Something that requires Fcrepo

Configuration Options

Command Line

To see a list of valid options when using fcrepo_wrapper to launch an Fcrepo instance from the command line:

$ fcrepo_wrapper -h


FcrepoWrapper.wrap( port: 8983, verbose: true, managed: true )

Configuration file

FcrepoWrapper can read configuration options from a YAML configuration file. By default, it looks for configuration files at .fcrepo_wrapper and ~/.fcrepo_wrapper.

You can also specify a configuration file when launching from the command line as follows:

$ fcrepo_wrapper -config <path_to_config_file>

Valid ruby and YAML options

Option Description
download_dir Local path for storing the downloaded jar & md5 file
env (Hash)
fcrepo_home_dir Directory to store fedora repository data files
fedora_options (Hash)
ignore_md5sum (Boolean) suppress checksum error messages
instance_dir Directory to store the fedora jar file
md5sum Path/URL to MD5 checksum
port Port to run Fedora on
url URL of the jar file to download
validate (Boolean) download a new md5 and (re-)validate the jar file? (default: true)
verbose (Boolean) return verbose info when running fcrepo commands (default: false)
version Fedora version to download and install
version_file Local path to store the currently installed version number

Cleaning your repository from the command line

To clean out data that is being stored in you FcrepoWrapper explicitly run:

$ fcrepo_wrapper <configuration options> clean

Note You must use the same configuration options on the clean command as you do on the run command to clean the correct instance.