
Auto-download SSL certs from Porkbun

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple script to fetch SSL certs from Porkbun domain registrar


Porkbun domain registrar automatically provides SSL certificates for domains. Unless you are web hosting through them, these will need to be downloaded every 3 months and updated on your serverThis

  • Docker & crontab for setting up auto-downloading job

This repo includes:

  • A python script to manually download the SSL cert bundle and store at desired location on server
  • A shell script which builds above script as a Docker image and runs regularly as cron job to ensure that SSL certs are up to date

Certs are saved in traditional certbot names rather than default Porkbun names


Running the python script to manually download and store certs once

$ git clone https://github.com/cjcon90/porkcert.git && cd porkcert
$ python -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python main.py -d {domain_name} -l {directory_to_save_certs}

Setting cert renewal cron job

$ ./install.sh
Enter domain to retrieve SSL certs for: cjcon90.dev
Enter directory to store SSL certs: /var/www/cjcon90/certs
Building porkcert docker image...
Finished building porkcert
Enter value for API_KEY:
Enter value for SECRET_API_KEY:
Do you want to store these keys to $HOME/.config/porkcert/keys.json? [Y/n]:
Installed certs to /var/www/cjcon90/certs
New crontab job created to keep certs updated