
Go Angular Starter

Primary LanguageGo

Go Angular Starter


Demo site available at: http://go-angular-starter.buz.co:3000/


Go Angular Starter is a full stack opinionated template for advanced web applications. It includes:

  • Go HTTP Server with Go templates
  • Go REST API Server
  • Angular based Admin Panel single page app with Browserify, ES6 and SASS (using Gulp build tasks)
  • Authorisation (sign in, sign up, API key generation)
  • DB migrations with Goose
  • Yeoman generator for new entities

Quick Start

Install the project to your GOPATH:

go get github.com/cjdell/go_angular_starter

Install Go dependencies:

go get bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose
go get github.com/jmoiron/sqlx
go get github.com/gorilla/rpc
go get github.com/gorilla/context
go get github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy/yaml
go get github.com/kennygrant/sanitize

Set up the database. A Postgres SQL database is expected to exist called "go_angular_starter" on the localhost, accessible by the current user. You may need to change the configuration located at:

vim db/dbconf.yml

NOTE: You may wish to alter your pg_hba.conf to allow access via localhost without a password. This is assumed given the default dbconf.yml. Adding this line will allow access:

host    all   all    trust

Run the initial migration to create tables:

goose up  # Assuming $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH

Install NPM / Bower dependencies

sudo npm -g install gulp

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/cjdell/go_angular_starter

npm install
bower install

Run the Gulp tasks (for Browserify / SASS compilation)

gulp  # Leave this running and open a new terminal

Run the HTTP server:

go run server.go


To create a new migration, run:

goose create MIGRATION_NAME sql


goose create NewTables sql

Then run:

goose up

To undo this migration:

goose down

Yeoman Generator

Quickly create entities using the Yeoman generator.

First do this once:

npm -g install yeoman
npm link generator

Then just type yo to run the generator.


This is a project which I initially started as a exercise to see how one could build a full stack web framework in Go. I hope it is of use to people and I welcome feedback and pull requests. :-)