This repository will allow the user to access a database of structured
information about the Song of Ice and Fire book series. Inspired by Joakim
Skoog's An API of Ice and Fire, this repository sets to create a
graph database of the relationships between different entities in the series. We
intend to match the data found in Skoog's API, solely from algorithms
for the first version of this application program interface (API).
- Given the books, create a database with algorithms.
- Allow access to the database content through an API.
Name |
Type |
Description |
url |
The hypermedia URL of this book |
slug |
Text |
A unique identifier following these rules |
title |
Text |
The title of this book |
isbn |
Text |
The ISBN of the book |
author |
Person |
The author of the book |
numberOfPages |
Integer |
The number of pages in this book |
publisher |
Agent |
The company that published this book |
locationCreated |
Place |
The location which this book was published in |
bookFormat |
BookFormatType |
The type of format this book was released in. |
releasedEvent |
PublicationEvent |
The place and time the release was issued |
character |
FictionalCharacter |
Fictional person in this book |
Name |
Type |
Description |
url |
The hypermedia URL of this character |
slug |
Text |
A unique identifier following these rules |
givenName |
Text |
The first name of the character |
familyName |
Text |
The last name of the character |
gender |
Text |
Gender of the character |
birthDate |
Date |
Date of birth |
birthPlace |
Place |
The place where the character is born |
deathDate |
Date |
Date of death |
deathPlace |
Place |
The place where the character died |
titles |
Text |
The titles that this character holds |
altenateName |
Text |
The aliases that this character goes by |
parent |
FictionalCharacter |
A parent of this character |
spouse |
FictionalCharacter |
This character's spouse |
memberOf |
Organization |
The House this character is a member of |
book |
Book |
The Book this character is in |
Name |
Type |
Description |
url |
The hypermedia URL of this house |
slug |
Text |
A unique identifier following these rules |
name |
Text |
The name of this house |
location |
Place |
The region that this house resides in |
coatOfArms |
Text |
Text describing the coat of arms of this house |
houseWords |
Text |
The words of this house |
currentLord |
FictionalCharacter |
The house's current lord |
heir |
FictionalCharacter |
The house's heir |
overlord |
House |
The house this house answers to |
foundingDate |
Date |
The year that this house was founded |
founder |
FictionalCharacter |
The character who founded this house |
dissolutionDate |
Date |
The year that this house died out |
ancestralWeapon |
Weapon |
The noteworthy weapon that this house owns |
cadetBranch |
House |
The house that was founded from this house |
swornMember |
FictionalCharacter |
The character that are sworn to this house |