
A flexible Write Freely instance API Client library for Python

Primary LanguagePython


A flexible Write Freely API Client library for Python

Based on the Write.as API Client Library.

pip install writefreelyapi

Version 0.1

  • Ability to use other arguments such as created date when creating an anonymous or collection post (this is great if you are using the library to import blog posts)

Getting Started

Instanstiating:_ Each request to the API will be made through an instance of the client class.

The only argument to pass in for a client is the root domain of the Write Freely instance you want to work with. For example, if I? want to do stuff with my Write Freely blog 'https://personaljournal.ca/herbert-quain, I would instanciate like so:

import writefreely

c = writefreely.client('personaljournal.ca')

# No need to put 'https://' or anything like that.


from writefreely import client

c = client('personaljournal.ca')

# It is up to you really!

Logging in and Setting Token: Make sure to login and set the token, otherwise certain authorized requests will not be possible.

from writefreely import client

c = client('personajournal.ca')

c.login("username", "password")

# This prints out the user data which includes the access token
# We will store the token into the client instance for authenticated requests


# Prints out the token and you are set to use the API!

Logging Out: To log out, all you need is call the method.

"You are logged out!"

# The access token shouldn't work in a future request after logging out


Retrieving a Post: For finding a post, all you need is the post's id.

p = c.retrievePost('7qmni7cpg5sjks11')

# This will return the post's data

Creating an Annonymous Post: To create a post, all you need is a body. The title is optional!

p = c.createPost('This is the body of the post.', 'This is a Title')
print p

# This will return the post's data when successful
# Thatdata includes the post token which we'll need for doing cooling stuff with the post

Feel free to use extra kwargs to your post like created date and right-to-left. Feel free to look at additional args here:

p = c.createPost('This is the body of the post.', 'This is a Title', created='2018-11-26T18:32:19Z')

Creating a Collection Post: To create a collection post, all you need to add is the collection's alias to the above code. The addition args act the same as above.

p = c.createCPost('cjeller', 'This is a the body of the post.', 'This is a Title')

# This will return the post's data 

Updating a Post: All you need is the post's id and the parts of the post you want to edit. Since the updated part argument is set to kwargs in the code, be precise.

p = c.updatePost('7qmni7cpg5sjks11', body='I am updating this post's body!', title='Title Update!')

# This will return the post's updated data when successful

Deleting a Post: Since you are logged in, all you need is the post's id.

"Post deleted!"


Creating a collection: All you need is a collection alias and title.

collection = c.createCollection('collectionalias', 'My Cool Blog')
print collection

# This will return the collection's data
# Keep the collection's alias at hand: it will be a token for making requests with the collection

Retrieving a Collection: All you need is the collection's alias.

coll = c.retrieveCollection('collectionalias')

# This will return the collection's data

Deleting a Collection: Since you are logged in, all you need is the collection's alias.

delete = c.deleteCollection('collectionalias')
"Collection deleted!"

Retrieve a Collection Post: To retrieve a collection post, all you need is the collection's alias and the post's slug. Say we want to grab this post: https://write.house/bix/the-worst-genre-of-spoilers

p = c.retrieveCPost('bix', 'the-worst-genre-of-spoilers')

# This will return the post's data 

Retrieve a Collection's Posts: To get a collection's posts, all you need is the collection's alias. So if I wanted to grab all the posts from here: https://write.houe/bix/

posts = c.retrieveCPosts('bix')

# This will return data from all the collection's posts

NOTE - This method only returns the first 10 posts of a collection. If you want to access more than the first 10 posts, use the optional pagination argument:

posts = c.retrieveCPosts('matt', 2)

# Returns >= 10 posts from that page
# If there are no posts on a selected page it will return an empty list


Retrieve User:

me = c.retrieveUser()

# Returns your user info 

Retrieve User Posts:

myPosts = c.retrievePosts()

# Returns your posts with this user account

Retrieve User Collections:

myCollections = c.retrieveCollections()

# Returns your collections

Retrieve User Channels:

myChannels = c.retrieveChannels()

# Returns the channels you send your posts to (Tumblr, Medium, etc)


Every Write Freely instance has a reader to view other posts/blogs set for public display.

Retrieve Reader Posts:

rPosts = c.reader()

# Returns 10 of the most recent Reader posts
# Metadata is similar to retrieving a collection

The only argument available is skip. This specifies the number of posts to skip. Think of it as pagination:

rPosts = c.reader(10)

# Returns 10 Read.write.as post, skipping the 10 most recent