Mastery Logistics Coding Assignment


Details for requirements


Build the Code

$ make javaBuild

Deploy to Docker Machine

# Enable Docker Machine
$ brew install docker docker-compose docker-machine docker-machine-nfs
$ docker-machine create default --virtualbox-memory=4096 --virtualbox-no-share
$ docker-machine start default
$ eval $(docker-machine env default) # switch to docker context
$ make docker

# Runs on your local development docker machine on port 8280, actuator endpoints are on 8281
# ex. http://localdev:8280 # localdev is the dns for your docker machine. 
# you can add this value to /etc/hosts  ex. localdev

# To stop the container: docker-compose stop

Sorting the shipment by capacity first, then sorting the truck containers by size capacity produced the best outcome for being evenly distrubuted.

Sort the trucks and shipments

Swagger Documentation