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Data for claytonerrington.com. Blog and pages generated by Jekyll. Hosted on GitHub.

About Jekyll Now

Jekyll is a static site generator that's perfect for GitHub hosted blogs

Jekyll Now makes it easier to create your Jekyll blog, by eliminating a lot of the up front setup.

  • You don't need to touch the command line
  • You don't need to install/configure ruby, rvm/rbenv, ruby gems ☺️
  • You don't need to install runtime dependancies like markdown processors, Pygments, etc
  • If you're on Windows, this will make setting up Jekyll a lot easier
  • It's easy to try out, you can just delete your forked repository if you don't like it

In a few minutes you'll be set up with a minimal, responsive blog like the one below giving you more time to spend on writing epic blog posts!

This was made easier with help from Barry Clark and jekyll-Now

Credits for those that made this possible