This is a simple client and server designed to be deployed to PCF and create load between the two applications.


An HTTP client using the loadtest Node.js library that sends a POST to a specific endpoint. Can be run locally via npm start or deployed to PCF. Has a number of configurable options that can be configured via a manifest.yml or via env variables.

Configuring options

In your manifest.yml:

- name: nodeclient
  health-check-type: process
  memory: 128M
  disk_quota: 128M
  no-route: true
    #options go here
    endpoint: http://nodeserver.apps.nsx.home.local

endpoint: The endpoint that you want to loadtest from the client. Default:

maxRequests: The number of requests to execute before terminating the load test. Default: uncapped

rps: The number of requests per second to target. Default: 50rps


An HTTP server that accepts a GET or a POST on the root context. Can be deployed to PCF or run locally on TCP 8080 with NPM start or node index.js.

GET: Returns an HTTP status code 200 and the string "Got it!" POST: Logs the POST body and returns an HTTP status code 200.