
Official documents of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation

Primary LanguageHTML

Official documents of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation

Documents maintained in markdown format may use an extension, as listed below.

  • OBF Bylaws.md: Uses Pandoc markdown extensions. Conversion using the following command:

      $ pandoc -t html -o "OBF Bylaws.html" "OBF Bylaws.md"

    For generating the PDF use this:

      $ pandoc -o "OBF Bylaws.pdf" --latex-engine=$pdflatex "OBF Bylaws.md"

    where $pdflatex is pdflatex if it is in your path, or the full path to pdflatex otherwise.

  • Donation-info-for-SPI.md: plain markdown

  • Travel_fellowships.md: plain markdown