
Interactive development environment for Ruby (in Emacs)

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


ruby-dev.el is a module that tries to bring some of SLIME's features to Ruby. It provides:

  • Evaluation of code to a live process (C-x C-e, etc.)
  • Copying of results of the evaluated ruby code into buffers via the kill chain (preface eval commands with C-u)
  • Access to Ruby documentation (C-c C-d)
  • A wrapper around a Ruby REPL (C-c C-i)

For more details, see the help within Emacs.


Add this directory to the load path and Something like this in your configuration:

(autoload 'turn-on-ruby-dev "ruby-dev" nil t)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'turn-on-ruby-dev)

For the server to start properly you need to install a couple of gems:

gem install pry
gem install yard