
API to manage flights for an airport flight board

Primary LanguageTypeScript

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Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.


  • Decorators for methods don't seem to work (validating body contains required fields)
  • Prometheus / Open Telemetry
  • Swagger - visit /api
  • Airlines
  • Status
  • Flight Schedules
  • Flights
  • Cron process to generate flights for the day
  • Pub/Sub, emit events on changes to flights, update api, redis or aws sns
  • Health Checks
  • Caching

Testing Server Sent Events

nest-cli.json - The assets block under compilerOptions flight.controller.ts - Methods at the bottom of the file. flight.service.ts - Methods at the bottom of the file.

The following endpoints will return HTML that subscribes to SSEs: http://localhost:3000/flight/ssetest http://localhost:3000/flight/ssetest2

The following endpoints will publish to SSEs and update pages above: http://localhost:3000/flight/test http://localhost:3000/flight/test2

add index.html to dist/flight (nestjs doesn't add it to build)

Commands run during development

nest g controller auth nest g service auth nest g module auth

yarn add class-validator class-transformer yarn add @nestjs/jwt passport-jwt yarn add @nestjs/passport passport yarn add bcrypt yarn add -D @types/bcrypt yarn add -D @types/passport-jwt yarn add @nestjs/typeorm typeorm pg yarn add @nestjs/config

npm run typeorm:create-migrations --name=PublicItems yarn typeorm migration:run -d ./typeOrm.config.ts

docker compose up docker exec -it flight-board-postgres-1 psql -U root -W -d nestjs_typeorm

\c \l \dt select * from public.user;

nest g module flight nest g service flight nest g controller flight

yarn add @nestjs/swagger

yarn add @nestjs/schedule yarn add --dev @types/cron

$ yarn add @willsoto/nestjs-prometheus prom-client $ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t flight-board .

$ helm create flight-board $ cd templates $ kubectl create deployment flight-board --image=[ACCOUNT_ID].dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/prometheus-sample-app:flight-board --port 3000 --dry-run=client -o yaml > deployment.yaml $ helm install flight-board . # will fail because of missing dependedncies $ helm dependency update

yarn add @nestjs/event-emitter


$ yarn install

Running the app

# development
$ yarn run start

# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod


# unit tests
$ yarn run test

# e2e tests
$ yarn run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ yarn run test:cov


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