
Primary LanguagePython

serene - RESTful Python APIs


serene is designed to allow the user to expose a Python API as RESTful API with the minium of code changes. The idea is that if your API is well designed it should be a pretty mechanicial process to convert it to a RESTful API, serene takes care of this for you. It allow you to have two API for the price one, a Python API that can be called locally and a RESTful API for client/server mode.

How it works

serene provides a set of decorators that are using to tag the functions on your API and define how are they are to be exposed. There are four decorators that correspond to the basic CRUD operations.


So let take a simple example

class Foo:
  def __init__(self, bar):
    self.bar = bar

  def bar(self):
    return bar

foos = {}

def create_foo(id, bar):
  foo = Foo(bar)
  foos[id] = foo

  return foo

def find_foo(id):
  if id in foos:
    return foos[id]
    return None

Given this simple API we can go ahead and decorate it with serene

import serene

class Foo:
  def __init__(self, bar):
    self.bar = bar

  def bar(self):
    return bar

foos = {}

def create_foo(id, bar):
  foo = Foo(bar)
  foos[id] = foo

  return foo

@serene.read(path='/foo', datatype='Foo')
def find_foo(id):
  if id in foos:
    return foos[id]
    return None

The path parameter is used to specify the path or sub-path the function should be exposed on. The datatype parameter is used to specify the return type of a read operation, this is necessary as this can't be derived from the signature of the function.

We can now look at the RESTful API that serene will generate for us.

$ python serenecl.py --doc foo

Serene generated RESTful API

GET /foo/<id>
GET /foo/<id>/bar
POST /foo

  Message Body:
      "bar": <bar>, 
      "id": <id>

So we can see that we now have the following operation

  • Creating a Foo - POST request to /foo passing a JSON message as the body containing the id.
  • Lookup a Foo - GET request to /foo/<id>
  • Access bar field of a Foo - GET request to /foo/<id>/bar.

So we can now run the foo module in serene's server mode

$ python serenecl.py --server foo
Bottle v0.12-dev server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on http://localhost:8082/
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

This starts a web server based on bottle.py that will now server our REST API.

So we can now hit the endpoints using curl, for example.

$ curl -X POST --data '{"id":1, "bar": "bar bar black sheep"}' http://localhost:8082/foo