
Create and represent composite schemas, schema transforms and data transforms over a fact-based model

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Fact-based schemas are always in highly normalised or elementary form. Most other schemas are composite (object-oriented, relational, warehousing, analytical, messaging, APIs, etc).

A Composition is a representation of the two-way mapping between an elementary schema and the composite schemas.

This gem provides:

  • an API for compositions,
  • several compositors which create Compositions - O-O, Relational and Data Vault and
  • some generators which emit various kinds of output (Ruby, SQL) etc, for composed schemas.

This gem builds on the Fact Modeling Metamodel and languages of ActiveFacts.


gem 'activefacts-compositions'

And then execute:

$ schema_compositor --help


$ bin/schema_compositor --relational --sql spec/relational/CompanyDirectorEmployee.cql
$ bin/schema_compositor --binary --ruby spec/relational/CompanyDirectorEmployee.cql


After checking out the repo, run bundle to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine from local source code, run rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/cjheath/activefacts-compositions.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.