
Legit isomorphic validation using function composition

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Isomorphic validation using function composition


This is a package for validating input in requests using functional composition. It runs in both browsers and Node.js, and is well-suited for sharing validations between both of these environments.

Since this library is highly dependent upon it, you're going to want to be very proficient with the compose function.

Install it with yarn add @cjoftheweb/validation or, if you use npm, with npm i --save @cjoftheweb/validation.


A new version of this library is currently in development, which uses a result type instead of throwing exceptions. This makes it a lot easier to write custom validations in a functional style, which is a major limitation of the current version.


const assert = require("assert");
const validation = require("@cjoftheweb/validation");

const validateMyObject = validation.compose(
  // validates the fields of the object
    // these are the required fields
      // name validates that it is a string with a length between 10 and 22
      // characters (inclusive)
      name: validation.compose(
          "must be between 10 and 22 characters long"
      // email validates that is a string which is a valid email
      // (uses the isemail package)
      email: validation.compose(
      // validates that age is a positive integer, converting from a string if
      // necessary
      age: validation.compose(

// validating a good value returns the converted value
const me = validateMyObject({
  name: "Christian Howe",
  email: "me@cjoftheweb.me",
  age: "24"

assert(me.age === 24);

// invalid objects throw an error
try {
  validateMyObject({ name: "Christian Howe" });
} catch (err) {
  assert(err.message === "is required");
  // ther error contains the field that caused it
  assert(err.field === "email");

Date vs Timestamp


This library makes the conceptual distinction between a date and a timestamp, which is one of its primary features. They each refer to a different concept, entirely distinct from the Javascript Date type.

A timestamp refers to a specific point of time, and takes into account its timezone. You should use this for things like "the time of the meeting" or "the time at which Jon posted this comment". This is usually what you would use the Javascript Date type for.

A date refers to a calendar day, like Harry's first birthday or Christmas Day in 2018. This does not take into account the time nor the time zone of the date. If I live in Singapore, and at midnight I say "my birthday is October 10th, 1993", then I don't expect someone in Germany to think that I mean my birthday is on October the 11th. This is a distinct type in some languages such as Elixir. I consider the lack of a distinct type for this concept in the Javascript standard one downside of the language.

Custom Validators

This package is 100% extensible via the ValidationError type. In fact, every time you use compose to build up a complicated validator, you are writing a custom validator! It is very simple if you need to write a validator beyond what this library provides. Simply create a function which takes a value, validates it, and returns that value. If the value does not validate, all you have to do is throw a ValidationError and call fieldValue with the value you were passed! For example:

class Thingy {}

const validateIsThingy = value => {
  if (value instanceof Thingy) {
    return value;
  } else {
    throw new ValidationError("is not a valid thingy").fieldValue(value);

This can be used alongside all the methods in this library.

API Documentation

require("@cjoftheweb/validation") returns a bunch of functions, which are documented here, along with the ValidationError type.

  • ValidationError is a type that is thrown when a validation fails. It has a few extra fields and methods beyond the standard Error type.
    • field: the name of the field that failed validation
    • value: the value of the field that failed validation
    • fieldName(field): sets the name of the field that failed validation and returns this
    • fieldValue(value): sets the value of the field that failed validation and returns this
  • date: A function that validates that its input is a Date or an ISO 8601 string, which will be parsed into a date. Ignores the timezone if provided. Returns the date as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Please see above.
  • timestamp: A function that validates that its input is a Date or an ISO 8601 string, which will be parsed into a timestamp. Always returns a Javascript Date object when it validates successfully. Please see above.
  • int: A function that validates that its input parses successfully with parseInt, and returns the parsed value.
  • float: A function that validates that its input parses successfully with parseFloat, and returns the parsed value.
  • min(min, message?): A curried function that takes a minimum value and an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if its input is below the given value, or else returns the input value.
  • max(max, message?): A curried function that takes a maximum value and an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if its input is above the given value, or else returns the input value.
  • range(min, max, message?): A curried function that takes a minimum and a maximum value, along with an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if its input is below the given minimum value or above the given maximum value, or else returns the input value.
  • string: A function that validates that its input is a string type, and returns the input value.
  • minLength(minLength, message): A curried function that takes a minimum length and an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if the length property of its input is below the given minimum, or else returns the input value.
  • maxLength(minLength, message): A curried function that takes a maximum length and an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if the length property of its input is above the given maximum, or else returns the input value.
  • lengthRange(min, max, message?): A curried function that takes a minimum length and a maximum length, along with an optional error message, and returns a validation function. The validation function throws a validation error if the length property of its input is below the given minimum or above the given maximum, or else returns the input value.
  • notBlank: A function which checks if the string has any non-blank characters. If so, it returns the input string, otherwise it throws a validation error.
  • trim: A function which trims its input string
  • email: A function which throws an error if its input value is not a valid email according to the isemail package, or else returns the input value.
  • object: A function that validates that its input is an object type, and returns the input value.
  • required: A function that throws an error if its input value is null or undefined, or else returns its input value.
  • fields(requiredFields, optionalFields): A curried function which takes an object of required fields and optional fields, and returns a validation function that takes an input object. The requiredFields object has keys representing the required keys in the input object, and values with functions that validate the values at those keys. The optionalFields object has keys representing the optional keys in the input object, and values with functions that validate the values at those keys if they exist. The validation function will validate its input object against the required and optional fields, and return an object where its values are the return values from the validations in requiredFields and optionalFields. If extra fields that are in the input object which are not in optionalFields or requiredFields, they are dropped. This function will automatically call the fieldName method on any validation errors that are thrown.


First, clone the repository and install the dependencies with yarn. Then you can run the Mocha tests in watch mode with yarn test -w.