
An ECMAScript 5.1 parser, written in JavaScript. The ECMAScript grammar was created using Jison.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An ECMAScript 5.1 parser, written in JavaScript. The ECMAScript grammar was created using Jison.

A blog post describing the project is available here. You can also test the parser online here.

Node Usage

Require the jsparser module, then simply call the parser's parse() method on a string of JavaScript source code. On success, an AST is returned. On failure, an error is thown.

var parser = require("jsparser");
var source = "console.log('Hello World!');";
var ast;

try {
  ast = parser.parse(source);
} catch (exception) {
  console.log("Parse Error:  " + exception.message);