Primary LanguagePython




Only compatible for macOS 12+.


In order to run this app, you must run in sudo on Terminal.

Installation - Outisde App

NOTE: in [] should be changed to your config


  1. brew install libpcap. If you don't have homebrew installed, you can install with: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"link

Screen Capture

  1. You will need permissions to screen capture from Terminal.
    1. Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Screen Recording.
    2. Add Terminal to allowed applications.
  2. NOTE: May be a security issue. Remove terminal from allowed apps when done using

How to Run the App From Binary

Mac M1/Intel App File

Set Up

Open up Terminal App. All the following commands will be run in Terminal.

  1. Once you unzip the file, cd /path/to/mac_arm_macos_13 or cd /path/to/mac_x86_64_macos_12s
  2. Inconfig.json file,
    1. REQUIRED: "OutputDirectory": absolute filepath of directory to store data
    2. REQUIRED: "FrameRate": the screen capture at an initial frame capture rate (frames per second). The default frame capture rate may be too high for your laptop, in which case the frame rate will be reduced.
    3. REQUIRED: "VideoFrameMetricsUsed": The default metrics shows all metrics available. You may remove metrics as you like. Note: the most intensive computation to least is NIQE, PIQE, and LAPLACIAN. You may want to start with LAPLACIAN first.
    4. NO CHANGE "IPAddress": IP address of the centralized server.
  3. sudo sezma.app/Contents/MacOS/sezma. If a pop-up starting with " "sezma" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software" opens, click OK.
    1. You will need to give permissions to run the app. Open Privacy & Security in Settings and scroll down until you see " "sezma" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer". Click Open Anyway.
    2. If the pop-up of " "sezma" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software" opens again, click Open. The app will pop up, run, and then close.
  4. cp config.json sezma.app/Contents/MacOS/config.json
  5. Run sudo sezma.app/Contents/MacOS/sezma again. It should work now.
  1. If you want to update your config.json, update as described in Set Up 2.1 and/or 2.2
  2. cp config.json sezma.app/Contents/MacOS/config.json

How to Run App from Codebase


  1. Requires Python >= 3.8 and <= 3.10
  2. Once you unzip file, cd /path/to/SEZMA
  3. Run ./install.sh


Open up Terminal App. All the following commands will be run in Terminal.

  1. Edit config.json file to save
    1. REQUIRED: "OutputDirectory": absolute filepath of directory to store data
    2. REQUIRED: "FrameRate": the screen capture at an initial frame capture rate (frames per second). The default frame capture rate may be too high for your laptop, in which case the frame rate will be reduced.
    3. NO CHANGE "IPAddress": IP address of the centralized server.
  2. cd /path/to/SEZMA
  3. sudo ./run.sh

Monitor Run

  1. If you want to check usage, you can use sudo ./monitor.sh

Binarize Python Codebase with Nuitka

  1. Activate your virtual environment. source venv/bin/activate.
  2. If nuitka not installed, run python3 -m pip install -U nuitka
  3. Mac command: python3 -m nuitka --onefile --include-plugin-directory=app --include-data-files=/path/to/SEZMA/app/video/metrics/niqe_image_params.mat=app/video/metrics/niqe_image_params.mat --macos-create-app-bundle sezma.py --> python used homebrew python3.9 (did not work with installed python in M1 due to recursion import error)


Failure in Installing Requirements
Failure in Running
  1. scapy.error.Scapy_Exception: Can't attach the BPF filter !: libpcap may not have been installed. Run the following commands in terminal:
    1. brew update
    2. brew install libpcap
    3. scapy: to open scapy in terminal
    4. Once in the scapy terminal, run conf.use_pcap = True
  2. When trying to binarize the package, I ran into cv2 recursion import error. This is due to python3 Apple version. Try using homebrew's python version instead.