
General Idea

  • Users can create, play, and browse for scavenger hunts. The end goal is to have users compete in scavenger hunt games.

My Process

  • I wanted to focus on the general idea of hunt with multiple "hunt items". My features create and play are somewhat interconnected, but I focused more on trying to get create to work and getting a general flow for play. For my current implementation, I decided to keep a hunt item as a question (text display), and answer (text input). Later on, I will expand this idea of hunt items as described in some of my description for the hunts I have already created.

Current Feature Progress

  • Create: Users can create their own scavenger hunt by hitting the create button. In the create page, users can add the title and description of the hunt. They can add a hunt item into the hunt by inputting huntitem and hitting the submit button. The hunt items will be saved if the user submitted the items but not the hunt. Once submitted, their hunt is displayed in the userhome and browse page.
  • Play: Users can play a game following this flow: hit play button in userhome/browse -> newgame -> startgame (shows players) => playgame (actually plays the game) -> userhome
  • Browse: If users don't want to create their own scavenger hunt, they can choose a hunt to play and go through the same process outlined in play.

Next Steps

  • Create:
    • Add more flexibility to "hunt item": (some ideas: let answer part be an html page with a box for the missing tag, add multiple parts besides question and answer (eg. ))
    • Add a delete functionality
  • Play:
    • Add game features:
      • telling the user their current score
      • maintain the answer state to be unchanged once a user gets it correct and add a little animation everytime they get it right
      • change the game flow to increate playgame => scoreboard/replay => (1) newgame or (2) userhome
      • goes in hand with create but using different hunt item styling
      • timer
  • Browse:
    • (not really necessary): but maybe filtering based on search
  • Join:
    • Allow multiplayer games and letting them join an existing game
  • Style: following figma design

Skeleton info

What you need to change

  • Change the font in utilities.css
  • Change the Frontend CLIENT_ID for Google Auth (Skeleton.js) (we'll talk about it at the end of week 2)
  • Change the Server CLIENT_ID for Google Auth (auth.js) (we'll talk about it at the end of week 2)
  • Change the Database SRV for Atlas (server.js)
  • Change the Database Name for MongoDB (server.js)
  • Add a favicon to your website at the path client/dist/favicon.ico
  • Update website title in client/dist/index.html
  • Update this README file ;)
  • Update the package.json file with your app name :) (line 2)

Socket stuff

Note: we'll be getting to this in lecture in week 2, so don't worry if you don't know it yet

  • If you're not using realtime updating or don't need server->client communication, you can remove socket entirely! (server-socket.js, client-socket.js, and anything that imports them)
  • If you are using socket, consider what you want to do with the FIXME in server-socket.js

How to integrate into your own project

On GitHub download this repository as a zip file, then extract the files into your own repository. Warning: make sure you copy the hidden files too: .babelrc, .gitignore, .npmrc, and .prettierrc

don't touch

the following files students do not need to edit. feel free to read them if you would like.


Good luck on your project :)