
A utility to monitor network performance

Primary LanguageRust

Network Monitor

A utility to help monitor and assess network performance


  • Install rustup: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
  • This project uses nightly features: rustup install nightly
  • Ensure you're up-to-date (rustup update)
  • Build the LAN-side application:
    cargo fmt --manifest-path=LAN/Cargo.toml && \
    cargo +nightly build --manifest-path=LAN/Cargo.toml && \
    sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip LAN/target/debug/network-monitor
  • Test the LAN-side application:
    LAN/target/debug/network-monitor router.local ping.projects.chrisjeakle.com


Web hosted latency test

  • Set up the web pages:
    • On the server: ssh root@projects.chrisjeakle.com 'mkdir /var/www/html/ping/'
    • Upload the latency test page to the server: scp -pr WAN/html root@projects.chrisjeakle.com:/var/www/html/ping/
  • Configure nginx:
    • scp WAN/nginx/ping.conf root@projects.chrisjeakle.com:/etc/nginx/conf.d/ping.conf
    • On the server: ssh root@projects.chrisjeakle.com 'service nginx reload'
  • Test the config
    • Ensure ICMP pings work (so the LAN tool can ping this WAN destination): ping -c 4 ping.projects.chrisjeakle.com
    • Ensure there's no redirects: curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' http://ping.projects.chrisjeakle.com/ping/ -I -k
    • curl http://ping.projects.chrisjeakle.com/ping/
    • Visit in a browser: http://ping.projects.chrisjeakle.com/

LAN ping monitoring tool

Initial Deploy

  • SSH into a LAN device to host the software
  • Configure the application by editing LAN/config.rs
  • Build the application
    • cargo +nightly build --release --manifest-path=LAN/Cargo.toml
  • Copy the binary to the appropriate folder on the LAN device
    • sudo mkdir -p /usr/bin/network-monitor/
    • sudo cp LAN/target/release/network-monitor /usr/bin/network-monitor/network-monitor
  • Apply capabilities so the program is permitted to create raw sockets
    • sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/network-monitor/network-monitor
    • Verify it worked using: getcap /usr/bin/network-monitor/network-monitor
  • Create a new non-root user to run the service
    • sudo useradd --system network-monitor
      • Create a system user, we have no need for interactive shell sessions or a home dir
  • Create a service to auto-start the application
    • sudo cp LAN/systemd/network-monitor.service /etc/systemd/system/network-monitor.service
  • Edit the service definition to ping the hosts you want to ping
    • sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/network-monitor.service
    • Edit the command line args at the end of the ExecStart= line under [Service]
  • Enable the service and start it
    • sudo systemctl enable network-monitor.service && sudo systemctl start network-monitor.service
    • Monitor service health:
      • sudo systemctl status network-monitor.service
      • sudo journalctl -u network-monitor | less +G
  • View the network ping logs in a browser at http://localhost:8180 or http://pi4.local:8180


Binary update script:

git pull && \
cargo +nightly build --release --manifest-path=LAN/Cargo.toml && \
sudo systemctl stop network-monitor.service && \
sudo cp LAN/target/release/network-monitor /usr/bin/network-monitor/ && \
sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip /usr/bin/network-monitor/network-monitor && \
sudo systemctl start network-monitor.service && \
sudo getcap /usr/bin/network-monitor/network-monitor && \
sudo systemctl status network-monitor.service


The UI: The LAN-side web UI