
The official implementation of "UniParser: Multi-Human Parsing with Unified Correlation Representation Learning".

Primary LanguagePython

UniParser: Multi-Human Parsing with

Unified Correlation Representation Learning


BaiduNetdisk link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fii_crsmVNS9JbGnJb8i6w?pwd=218r code:218r


Multi-human parsing is an image segmentation task necessitating both instance-level and fine-grained category-level information. However, prior research has typically processed these two types of information through separate branches and distinct output formats, leading to inefficient and redundant frameworks. This paper introduces UniParser, which integrates instance-level and category-level representations in three key aspects: 1) we propose a unified correlation representation learning approach, allowing our network to learn instance and category features within the cosine space; 2) we unify the form of outputs of each modules as pixel-level segmentation results while supervising instance and category features using a homogeneous label accompanied by an auxiliary loss; and 3) we design a joint optimization procedure to fuse instance and category representations. By virtual of unifying instance-level and category-level output, UniParser circumvents manually designed post-processing techniques and surpasses state-of-the-art methods, achieving 49.3% AP on MHPv2.0 and 60.4% AP on CIHP.



Cosine representation


Better, smaller and faster than SMP!!!



Step 0. Download and install Miniconda from the official website.

Step 1. Create a conda environment and activate it.

conda create --name SMP python=3.7 -y
conda activate SMP

Step 2. Install PyTorch following official instructions, e.g.

On GPU platforms:

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

On CPU platforms:

conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch

Our framework is transfering to MMdetection2.0. So, it requires to install MMCV and MMdetection.

Step 0. Install MMCV using MIM.

pip install -U openmim
mim install mmcv-full==1.7.0

Step 1.

git clone https://github.com/cjm-sfw/Uniparser.git
cd Uniparser
pip install -v -e .

Prepare datasets


├── LV-MHP-v2
│   ├── list
│   ├── test
│   │   └── images
│   ├── train
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── parsing_annos
│   │   └── pose_annos
│   └── val
│       ├── images
│       ├── parsing_annos
│       └── pose_annos

Download from MHP2.0 Paper Citation:

title={Understanding Humans in Crowded Scenes: Deep Nested Adversarial Learning and A New Benchmark for Multi-Human Parsing},
author={Zhao, Jian and Li, Jianshu and Cheng, Yu and Zhou, Li and Sim, Terence and Yan, Shuicheng and Feng, Jiashi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03287},

title={Multi-Human Parsing in the Wild},
author={Li, Jianshu and Zhao, Jian and Wei, Yunchao and Lang, Congyan and Li, Yidong and Sim, Terence and Yan, Shuicheng and Feng, Jiashi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.07206},

Densepose CoCo

Download from DensePose

├── annotations
│   └── DensePose_COCO
|       └──densepose_coco_2014_minival.json
|       └──densepose_coco_2014_test.json
|       └──densepose_coco_2014_train.json
|       └──densepose_coco_2014_valminusminival.json
├── test2014
├── train2014
└── val2014

Paper Citation:

  title={DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation In The Wild},
  author={R\{i}za Alp G\"uler, Natalia Neverova, Iasonas Kokkinos},
  journal={The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


Download from CIHP official pages.

├── CHIP_train.json
├── CHIP_val.json
├── CIHP_test.json
├── LV-MHP-v2_colormap.mat
├── train_img
├── train_parsing
├── train_seg
├── val_img
├── val_parsing 
└── val_seg


Modify the value of datatype, data_root and data in config files.


single gpus script.

python train.py configs/repparsing/MHP_r50_fpn_half_gpu_3x_repparsing_DCN_fusion_metrics.py --gpus 1 --seed 42


sh train.sh

distributed train script.

bash dist_train.sh configs/repparsing/MHP_r50_fpn_half_gpu_3x_repparsing_DCN_fusion_metrics.py 2


Completing above preparation, you could run demo/inference_demo_parsing.ipynb to try infer single image.