
CodeSignal Interview Problem Solutions

Primary LanguagePython

CodeSignal Problems

My solutions to a few CodeSignal problems.

These are from the Interview Prep Crash Course and divided into 8 parts:


  • firstDuplicate
  • firstNotRepeatingCharacter
  • rotateImage
  • soduku2
  • isCryptSolution

Linked Lists

  • removeKFromList
  • isListPalindrome
  • addTwoHudeNumbers
  • mergeTwoLinkedLists
  • reverseNodesInKGroups
  • rearrangeLastN

Hash Tables

  • groupingDishes
  • areFollowingPatterns
  • containsCloseNums
  • possibleSums
  • swapLexOrder

Trees: Basic

  • hasPathWithGivenSum
  • isTreeSymmetric
  • findProfession
  • kthSmallestInBST
  • isSubtree
  • restoreBinaryTree
  • findSubstrings
  • deleteFromBST

Depth-First Search & Breadth-First Search

  • traverseTree
  • largestValuesInTreeRows
  • digitTreeSum
  • longestPath
  • graphDistances


  • climbingStaircase
  • nQueens
  • sumSubsets
  • wordBoggle
  • combinationSum

Dynamic Programming: Basic

  • climbingStairs
  • houseRobber
  • composeRanges
  • mapDecoding
  • fillingBlocks

Common Techniques: Basic

  • containsDuplicates
  • sumOfTwo
  • sumInRange
  • arrayMaxConsecutiveSum2
  • findLongestSubarrayBySum
  • productExceptSelf
  • minSubstringWithAllChars0