
Primary LanguageVim script



This project aims to take a new linux mint (the flavor I like best) environment and have it feel like home as quickly as possible

Terraform includes the following:


  • urxvt-256 color

    This is an alternative terminal to the gnome terminal which comes preinstalled with mint. It has the advantage of being very configurable

  • tmux

    Terminal Multiplexer. This provides support for multiple panes in the terminal and allows attaching and detaching sessions (very handy for ssh)

  • zsh

    A better shell

  • htop

    A better top

  • mutt

  • gnupg

  • ag - the silver searcher

  • fuzzy find (fzf)

    A very nice fuzzy find algorithm. It is very fast and can be used in conjunction with things like grep or ag.

  • neovim

    An awesome text editor.

  • LaTeX

    An awesome formatter.

  • python

    Scripting language

  • build_essential

    Things like gcc for compiling C/C++ code.

  • cmake

    A fancy build system

  • ruby

    Another scripting language.

  • git

    Best version control out there

  • subversion

    Second best version control out there?

  • virtualbox

    For virtual machines

  • vagrant

    Quickly create virtual machines for web development

  • php5

    Scripting language for web dev.

  • composer

    Dependency control for php.

  • laravel homestead

    virtual machine to be used with vagrant for developing using the laravel environment.

  • gimp

    GNU image manipulation program.

  • inkscape

    Vector editor.

  • mypaint

    Paint like program for use with wacom pen.


other configuration