

Primary LanguagePython


sudo apt-get install git apache2 nginx libapache2-mod-wsgi build-essential mysql-client python2.7-dev python-pip python-mysqldb memcached

sudo pip install django celery django-celery south django-social-auth bottlenose pytz python-memcached

Date taken should be stored as UTC and always displayed as the UTC time.

Refactor how last update time is stored to user. Currently it's stored as when the update task starts, which doesn't take into account the possibility that some or all of the photo processing tasks will fail. Should probably be set to the date_upload of the latest photo...

Eventually add a check to see if a photo already exists (maybe the date-upload was changed on Flickr).

Continue catching URL fetch errors.

Offline task box setup:

sudo apt-get install redis-server

sudo apt-get install git build-essential mysql-client python2.7-dev python-pip python-mysqldb
sudo pip install django celery django-celery-with-redis south django-social-auth bottlenose pytz python-memcached