A sample Gradle plugin demonstrating established techniques and practices for plugin development as described in the following guides:
The plugin provides a task for generating a web page that derives information about the project e.g. applied plugins and available tasks. While minimalistic in functionality it serves as a show case for demonstrating best practices for Gradle plugin development. A site generated for a sample project can be viewed here.
The plugin is available on the Gradle plugin portal for public consumption. |
The plugin can be applied with by identifier org.gradle.site
. Default values can be configured with the help of the provided extension org.gradle.plugins.site.SitePluginExtension
. To generate the web page run the task named generateSite
e.g. gradle generateSite
The plugin requires a Gradle version of 4.0 or higher. All features that are based on Gradle 4.0 are explicitly marked above. All other features will work with earlier versions of Gradle. |
apply plugin: 'com.github.gradle-guides.site'
site {
outputDir = file("$buildDir/site")
websiteUrl = 'http://gradle.org'
vcsUrl = 'https://github.com/gradle-guides/gradle-site-plugin'
Production source code written in Java, test code written in Groovy with Spock framework.
Reusable logic written as binary plugin.
Usage of the Plugin Development plugin to simplify plugin development. [Code | More Details]
Implementation of tasks as custom task type. [Code | More Details]
Usage of input and output properties to enable incremental tasks. [Code | More Details]
Usage of an extension to capture user-configurable values. [Code | More Details]
Mapping of extension property values to custom task properties. [Code | More Details]
Reacting to plugins instead of applying plugins. [Code | More Details]
Declaration of appropriate plugin identifiers. [Code | More Details]
Functional testing with TestKit. [Code | More Details]
Publication of the plugin artifacts to the Gradle plugin portal [Code | More Details]
Continuous Integration of plugin code with Travis CI. [Code | More Details]
Automatic generation of build scans when build is executed from CI. [Code | More Details]