
Provide an option to only switch markdown buffers to this theme

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'd like to keep my current syntax theme for code buffers but use this one for markdown files.

cjoh commented

This seems like something that should be inside of Atom itself, no? Like Atom should let you assign various syntaxes to certain themes?

Perhaps this should be a separate plugin, you're right.

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 1:26 PM, cjoh notifications@github.com wrote:

This seems like something that should be inside of Atom itself, no? Like
Atom should let you assign various syntaxes to certain themes?

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@cjoh wondering if this package "should" be a grammar package and not a general syntax theme :)

But i am coming coming from this Sublime package, where it was always intended as Markdown-specific thing...