Virtuoso UI

This repo contains the user interface for, a webapp that helps musicians practice their instruments more effectively, using techniques backed by cognitive science.

Structure and interpretation of this repo

This repo contains a homemade "framework" in src/ui. Why homemade? Because homemade frameworks are the best: they're lean because they only cater to your very specific needs, they can be easily changed and expanded as needed, and they don't change when your needs don't. Additionally, the Virtuoso app-specific logic and components can be found in src/virtuoso.

Up and running

To develop this UI, run a figwheel REPL. My preferred way is to fire up Emacs and do cider-jack-in-cljs. If you're not an Emacs user, you can instead try:

clojure -A:dev -m figwheel.main -b dev

Production builds

To build the frontend for production, run:

make target/public

This process will output a fully standalone UI in target/public. It needs to be served from the Virtuoso server to communicate successfully with the backend.