- 0
add pipenv
#319 opened by z3r0 - 21
- 0
- 3
- 11
- 7
Nox session install not working
#312 opened by accasey - 1
- 0
- 0
Add pytest's best-practice config to `pyproject.toml`
#315 opened by jond01 - 5
- 6
readthedoc from pyproject.toml
#63 opened by IaroslavR - 0
Reference page doesn't work on ReadTheDocs
#311 opened by john-ingles - 1
Pytest default src layout tweak
#309 opened by rnickle - 1
- 23
Dependency errors when using python 3.9 and 3.8
#174 opened by mjt91 - 2
- 0
Links to Pytest Documentation Broken
#280 opened by navneethc - 1
Link to Mocking with Pytest section broken
#205 opened by navneethc - 3
Consider replacing requests
#188 opened by mahmoudhossam - 2
- 1
Default branch on Github now is "main"; this conflicts with some links in the repo
#171 opened by Dominik1123 - 4
- 0
Dependabot couldn't authenticate with
#156 opened by dependabot-preview - 1
Something like this for node?
#140 opened by patrickwerz - 3
information about binary wheel builds
#66 opened by IaroslavR - 7
Where nox should be installed
#109 opened by crisfcodes - 2
Developer installation
#115 opened by fredrikaverpil - 5
IDE question
#89 opened by Alexfinkelshtein - 3
#85 opened by pawamoy - 1
Nox complains about not finding pip
#91 opened by peredwardsson - 2
- 10
Part 4 - something not right
#42 opened by staticdev - 2
Problem on part2 - running nox
#22 opened by staticdev - 1
small typo in hypermodern-python-01-setup
#21 opened by JosephWagner - 1
- 5
- 2