Rat Maze project for Cabrillo CIS35 Class
- Chuck Beddow - charles.beddow@gmail.com
- Clara Olson - clara.olson22@gmail.com
- Dave VandenHoek - david.vandenhoek@gmail.com
The player is an albino lab rat part of a cognitive psychology experiment. He finds himself inside a maze with obstacles and challenges that he must overcome in order to find the coveted cheese at the end!
- Rat Model/Animations
- Maze/Level Generation
- UI
- Electricy FX
- Obstacle Mechanics
- Obstacle Generator Algorithm (given time)
- Timer
- Sound Effects
- iOS Deployment
- Skybox
- Textures/Materials
- Mouse Trap/Stuffed Mouse
- Electric Floor/Lever
- Rolling Ball/Spider (Timing a trip on a hallway)
- Light
- Water Bottle
- Sugar Pellet Dispenser
- Randomly generate maze
- Randomly select coordinates outside wall to be StartTile and EndTile (with Rat and Cheese Prefabs spawning with these tiles)
- Use a Maze Solver algorithm so find shortest route from StartTile to EndTile
- Create an obstabcle along the route determined MazeSolver
- Use disjointed sets to make sure that the "key" is placed in the same set as the StartTile and Obstacle
- Consider the Key-Obstacle a "Mini Maze" with a sub-StartTile(obstacle) and sub-EndTile(key)
- Can repeate steps within the minimaze to combine obstacles as mazes get more complicated
- We then won't have to design by hand
- Assignment 6: Disjointed Sets (Maze Generator) - lecture passed - due April 30
- Assignment 8: Breadth-First Search (Maze Solver) - lecture 4/12 - due TBA