
Checks your system for issues and suggests fixes

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Report Card ReleaseTests


The goal of Doctor is to be an easy use framework for troubleshooting a user's environment. It is inspired heavily by the brew doctor command found in Homebrew.

Checks are defined in a .doctor.yml file, typically found at the root of a repository. Once Doctor is installed, users can simply run doctor from the root of their repo checkout to check for problems with their environment setup.


The latest version of Doctor can be found on the Releases tab.


Example Config:

  - description: Ensure that go is installed
    fix: Run `brew install go`
    type: command-in-path
    command: go
  - description: Ensure ssh key exists
    fix: See https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/connecting-to-github-with-ssh/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent
    type: file-exists
    path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  - description: Ensure bashrc has eval statement
    fix: Run `echo 'eval "$(some_command init bash)"' > ~/.bashrc`
    type: file-contains
    path: ~/.bashrc
    contents: eval "$(some_command init bash)"
  - description: Ensure that terraform is the correct version
    fix: See https://www.terraform.io/downloads
    type: output-contains
    command: terraform --version
    contents: 1.2.2


This is where you define the checks you wish Doctor to perform. Each check must have a description, fix, and type. Additional attributes may need to be set depending on the type of check.


A description of this check. This text will be displayed when doctor runs.


Instructions the user can follow to correct an issue discovered by a check. This will be displayed whenever a check fails.


The type of check to perform. See below for more details on the types of checks that are supported.


Checks that a command is in the user's path.

The following attributes must also be set:

  • command - the command to check for existence in user's path

Checks that a file exists on the user's system.

The following attributes must also be set:

  • path - the path in which the file is expected to exist

Checks that a file contains specific text.

The following attributes must also be set:

  • path - the path in which the file exists
  • content - the text that is expected to exist within the file

Checks that a command's output contains specific text.

The following attributes must also be set:

  • command - the command to run
  • content - the text that is expected to exist within the command's output

How to contribute

This project has some clear Contribution Guidelines and expectations that you can read here (CONTRIBUTING).

The contribution guidelines outline the process that you'll need to follow to get a patch merged.

And you don't just have to write code. You can help out by writing documentation, tests, or even by giving feedback about this work.

Thank you for contributing!