Horiseon Code Refactoring

In this assignment the company has created a website that is not easily accessible to thoes with diabilities. I have been tasked with correcting this to prevent future lawsuits and litigations, making minimal to no change to the way the website and how it is presented in the browser. One if the first things that I did was to add comments to the HTML that labeled each section of the code and what part of the page it pertained to. This way I was able to navigate the code in a more effeicent way, able to see what part of the page the changes I was making were effecting.

The changes that were made are the following: Added alt text to the images in the main section. Changes element tags to be more specific (ie. changed div tags to header, main, aside and footer tags). Removed the backslash "/" in the meat tag as it is not needed. Added a title to the hero class with the background image in place of an alt text. Changed the footer to remove the heart symbol and replaced it with the appropriate HTML mark up that displays a heart. Fixed an error where the header and nav were not loading up in the correct places after my changes. I needed to change the header in css from a header class to a header element tag (ie. remove the "." in front of header.

I hope this accuratly captures all the changes that were made as in the begin I kept forgetting to properly commit my changes to keep a recprd of them. As I continued to work on the assignment I began to get the hang of commiting my changes and writing more detailed comments. I am happy with how the homework turned out and will contintue to get better with time.

Link to github page: https://cjose26.github.io/homework1/