
Build Status


Running this project

yarn run test

To run the web server

yarn run start:server

To test web server

you can either run:

yarn run test

which will run all the test include the web server tests (in src/test/server)


you can start the start the server (yarn run start:server) and POST data to the endpoint /analyze/tasks using Postman.

format of data:

  1. find the number of users (N), in the first line of the input
  2. parse the N number of lines, which has an ID followed by country code
  3. after gathering the users, a newline will contain the number of task executed(T)
  4. lines after T go as follows - Task ID - User ID - Time spent (in seconds) executing that task
        1 PT
        2 US
        1 1 10
        2 1 5
        3 2 10

This endpoint only supports plain text. A 400 response will be return if json data is attempted to be posted to this endpoint.


Projects I worked on related to this job:

  • Interviewed for a graphQL position a while ago and it was a take home project

  • While in college, I went to a open source hackathon. Where I got to work with some of the Vercel team(then they were called Zeit) and build a terminal recorder plugin for their hyper.js terminal.